5 things, Doctor, Friends, friendship, Self-Improvement, Uncategorized

5 Things I Learnt from My Teachers

Teachers are the best guides that we could ever have. They’re the influence that shapes our future. We all have been shaped by so many guides and mentors but we do not always understand the advice till we are old enough. There are so many things I wish I would have understood then but it’s late for that still, there are lots of things that I memorized and it has changed my perception in many ways.

Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Better India, Blog, Blogging, buddies, Doctor, Uncategorized

Garnishing Life with Kindness #TheKindnessGene

Kindness is both inherited and acquired quality that makes us human. A little show of kindness goes long way. Life teaches us to be more practical and at times jaded too which slowly kills our kindness. Is it better to live life with Kindness or Smartness or Both?

10 reasons, Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Stay Positive

10 Things To Do When Going Gets Harder. #MentalAwareness

Life is harder and at times harder times hit hard enough that it seems difficult to go on. Life is hard enough to deal with but due to the ongoing epidemics, life has become harder for a few people. People have faced adversities during these times and were unable to cope with them too.

Doctor, Ear trouble, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, headache, health, Hearing Loss, Otolaryngology, Pain, Tinnitus, Uncategorized

Ear Diseases in Children

Children are very frequently suffering from ear ailments. It’s very difficult to discern the disease since the child can’t explain the disease and excessive crying or pulling the ear is the only symptom that helps the parents reach the conclusion.