Be Happy, Be Positive, Better India, Blog, BlogChatter, Blogging, save planet, Self-Improvement, Social Cause, Stay Positive, Stop Violence, trust

Changing 1 thing that would matter in the World #BlochatterBlogHop

I would just like to change the emotion of greed and replace it with Contentment. One positive emotion would resolve most of the problems we are facing in our world. #BlogchatterBlogHop

10 reasons, Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Stay Positive

10 Things To Do When Going Gets Harder. #MentalAwareness

Life is harder and at times harder times hit hard enough that it seems difficult to go on. Life is hard enough to deal with but due to the ongoing epidemics, life has become harder for a few people. People have faced adversities during these times and were unable to cope with them too.

basic skills, Be Happy, Be Positive, Depression, Fitness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Product Review, Review, Self-Improvement, Stay Positive, weight loss

Masterlife: App Review

When we look at mirror our brain processes an image which is 30% better looking, sophisticated, smart, and confident. What if there’s an application that could help you achieve all that by pressing a button???

Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Depression, organization tips, Self-Improvement, Stay Positive, Uncategorized

How to Live Alone Happily?

To live alone could be the best or the worst thing that could happen to you in this world. On one hand, people crave to live alone but few just can’t wait to be with the company. It’s your personal perspective that dictates these choices. what matters most is that we are happy.