Cancer, Doctor, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, headache, health, health care, Throat Pain, Uncategorized

Cardinal signs of Throat cancer

Throat cancer is one the fastest growing cancer in this modern world 10 in 10,0000 people in India is suffering from cancer. The cause could be attributed to the change in lifestyle of people and rise in various addictions and recreational drugs abuse.

Best Western Resort, Review, Travel, Travelling, Weekend Trip

Weekend trip: Best Western Resort, Manesar

Weekends demands outings but only nearby places are accessible for short trips. We all were looking for a place for a get-together and anniversary celebration for friends, a kind of place which caters all age group. After massive brainstorming over many sites, we all agreed on Best Western Resort. It’s a well-built property and has many activities to involve people of all age group.

Allergic Rhinitis, Allergy, Doctor, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, Uncategorized

Let’s talk Allergies: Allergic Rhinitis Treatment (Part II)

Allergic Rhinitis is the reaction of our body whenever exposed to the allergens (Pollen, Dust, Hay, Animal shedding, House dust, Mites, etc). The next step is to get investigated for Allergic Rhinitis.