Hearing loss
#MyFriendAlexa, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, Hearing Loss, My Friend Alexa 2019, Uncategorized

How to self-assess hearing loss?

#MyFriendAlexa 3

Hearing loss or Deafness has a lot of stigmas associated with it, due to which we often ignore its subtle signs. More commonly it has been noticed that people don’t realize that they have a hearing loss since it’s silently increasing leaving the patient totally clueless about it. How do we know if we have hearing loss? Is it permanent? What kind of disease do I have? When you think about hearing loss all these questions pop up in our minds. Let me clear them one by one.

Do you have hearing loss?

  • Close your ears alternatively in front of radio or tv then look for the difference in hearing in both ears.
  • Check each ear separately and Keep taking a step back from sound source till you stop hearing it. Repeat with another ear too.
  • Check the volume if you’re watching TV on higher volume.
  • Check if you prefer one ear to listen on your mobile.
  • Do you tilt your head while listening because we unconsciously put our best ear forward?
These are some rough test to estimate the hearing loss. Now let’s go on to the next step.


Jot down a few points:
  • Is it in one ear or both?
  • Since when do you think you have it?
  • Is it since birth or you noticed it later?
  • Is your hearing better in a noisy environment?
  • Do you hear your own voice as voice echo?
  • Is loud voice uncomfortable for you?
  • hearing loss is fluctuating?
  • Is hearing loss progressively increasing?
  • Do you have anything else with hearing loss?

Associated features:

  • Earache
  • Tinnitus
  • Ear discharge
  • History of trauma
  • History of working or living in a noisy environment
  • Any illness of childhood like Fever/ measles/ Mumps
  • Ever being on prolonged medication
  • Family history of Hearing loss
  • Drug/ Substance Abuse
hearing loss
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What test should be done for hearing loss?

A most important test for hearing loss is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) after PTA only we decide on the other tests if we need any.
  • Pure Tone Audiometry
  • Impedance Audiometry
  • Stapedial Reflex
  • Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI)
  • Tone Decay Test
These are a few tests amongst the battery of test to reach a diagnosis. Hearing loss is a very vast topic what I’ve touched here is just the tip of Iceberg. I hope my post would help you reach a conclusion and help you further too.
Feel free to post your queries in comments I’ll help in resolving them.
These points would help you reach to a conclusion. It might not seem like a good one but do visit the ENT Specialist they’ll find a solution to your problems Be Healthy & Be Happy
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Disclaimer: I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. This article is for reference purpose only, under no circumstances it should be used as a replacement of medical opinion by Professionals. Any decision regarding health and health care should be taken after professional advice only. Health care advice and information shared by the author is best to her knowledge. We disclaim all responsibilities for any inadvertent omission/ commission by the author or the website.

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40 thoughts on “How to self-assess hearing loss?”

  1. This was such a thorough read; a guide to self assessment of hearing loss & how to go about it!
    Very practical and helpful indeed. Thanks for the insights

  2. learn a lot about self assess to hearing loss, That’s an intriguing read, Loved the post and your unique writing style.

  3. I can totally relate to your blog, because 6 months back I went through a major ear operation. And I was experiencing Hear loss too. But thankfully, Operation went on well and I am perfectly okay.

    My ENT has suggested me one trick to understand the damage of eardrum.
    Block your nose. And Give air pressure so that air should move through your ear drums. If you feel a whistling sound then hear loss is there, otherwise it is all fine.

  4. I am so glad of bumping on to this blog today, it has been quite some time I feel my husband is not listening to me properly (the other properly). Thought of getting his ears check, this is a right guide.

  5. I really liked the logo. It is really attractive.
    Secondly the post is going to be a great help for me as I was searching about this topic

  6. Very informative and detailed post. We don’t realize the need to be cautious until we are caught in the wrong foot. I am going back with a little more self consciousness of my hearing organ.

  7. Thank you for writing this post. I didn’t know hearing loss was so common. I will surely try the test for my family and myself. I have a suggestion, could you write a post on how to get rid of ear wax safely.
    Keep writing such informative posts. #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter

  8. Having tinnitus & it is somehow relatable. Can’t thank you enough for such great insights.

  9. Thank to your post I get to know that i really need ear checkup

    No i am not deaf but some symptoms are matching

    Thank you nice and informative post

  10. Very informative post and a timely reminder for all of us. I abuse my ears thanks to my love for music. Thanks for writing this, Richa

  11. It is very important to know that hearing ability needs to be tested from time to time, especially these days there is so much noise pollution.

  12. Such a useful post, and you had covered all points related to self accessment hearing loss with proper detail. #Surbhireads #Myfriendalexa

  13. The most underrated yet important health problem. Often seen in seniors but people don’t give much attention which leads to may ear problems.

  14. I need a little bit higher volume of tv, I don’t understand whether it is due to lack of concentration or this is really hearing issue, thanks , now I will apply all the tips you suggested

  15. With rise in partial deafness / low hearing power in one or both ears this is a very important post and as much is to take care of our ears.

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