Cancer, Fitness, GERD, health, health care, Mental Health

India’s Long-Lasting NCD Burden: Need for The Youth To Rise To The Occasion

We all are exposed to Non-communicable diseases (NCD) as our country traverses its journey to economic prosperity changing our lifestyle rapidly. It accounts for a significant burden of diseases in our country cutting across social and income levels affecting us in various ways. 

comfort food, flood, Review

Flavors of #Gurgaon

I shifted to Gurgaon in 2018 and I’ve fallen in love with it. I’ve seen the welcoming city in the rigor of work in the day and wild with party vibes in the night. I’ve lived in both urban villages i.e. Old Gurgaon then the contrasting modern Gurgaon or the New Gurgaon. One thing I love most in Gurgaon is the amazing food. I’m a foodie to the core & I love spicy food. So today I’m going to share my favourite food list of Gurgaon that I’ve explored till now.