self love
Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depression, fight depression, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Self-Improvement, Stay Positive

Are you Near Mental Exhaustion? #CauseAChatter


Life is very tough and due to various pressures, at times it becomes very difficult to cope with everything. We deal with a lot of things as we open our eyes it’s called Mental Exhaustion/ Mental fatigue/ Burnout.

Our Mind is Filled with:

  • Get ready for work
  • Catalog our meetings
  • Maintaining our social life
  • Managing obligations of family
  • Dealing with financial aspects

We can’t always stop our minds from running through the turmoil of life and spinning everything around.

How do we know that we’re on the verge of Mental Fatigue?

  • Easily angered
  • Feeling sensitive
  • Anger issues
  • No desire to talk
  • Easily annoyed
  • Moody and frustrated
  • Physical exhaustion

How should we help ourselves get a Mental Detox?

First and foremost thing to do:

Go Easy on Yourself:

You might not feel motivated enough to do routine things. Your work might suffer since you might not be able to give your 100%. I at times just keep looking at the screen and when I look at the clock hours have just gone by.

It’s better to just sleep it off. Give your mind the much-needed reprieve from burnout.

Follow Your Routine:

Due to mental exhaustion, you might not feel up to it for any kind of work, designate one task and just do it. Don’t forget to reward yourself for completing the task. Take rest just take one step at a time you need it.

Focus on Rest:

Do not deviate from your sleep-wake cycle, it’s very easy to spend a sleepless night or just keep watching TV or Mobile. Do refrain from that and just rest.

Signs of Mental Exhaustion

Share Your Feelings:

It’s very difficult to share your feelings, if you can’t share them with any friend or family then seek help from a counselor or maintain a journal.

Develop a Hobby:

Give in to a bit of enjoyment. Do what you like. Enjoy a few of your favorite hobbies or give yourself the much-deserved “Me Time”.

Don’t be too Harsh on Yourself Be Gentle on yourself “Self Love

Happy Relaxing for all.

With this post, I’m joining the initiative by Blogchatter to #CauseAChatter. I’d love to spread knowledge on the dreaded topic of Mental illness through a series of posts throughout the year. if you also want to blog with a cause and want to make a difference then join Cause A chatter.


This article is for reference purposes only, under no circumstances it should be used as a replacement for medical opinion by Professionals. Any decision regarding health and health care should be taken after professional advice only. Health care advice and information shared by the author are best to her knowledge. We disclaim all responsibilities for any inadvertent omission/ commission by the author or the website.

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