
Be Happy, Be Positive, Better India, Blog, BlogChatter, Blogging, save planet, Self-Improvement, Social Cause, Stay Positive, Stop Violence, trust

Changing 1 thing that would matter in the World #BlochatterBlogHop

I would just like to change the emotion of greed and replace it with Contentment. One positive emotion would resolve most of the problems we are facing in our world. #BlogchatterBlogHop

BlogChatter, health, health care, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement

Good/ Bad Habit or It’s OCD? #BlogchatterBlogHop

Habit is a task you do daily without thinking about it. You become so habitual if doing the task that it’s difficult to stop. It’s like a ritual.

Be Positive, BlogChatter, Cause A Chatter, Depression, fight depression, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Self-Improvement, Uncategorized

Taking Small Step Towards #MentalWellbeing

We have to prioritize ourselves too in the race of life, or else winning might not be as joyous as we imagined.