10 reasons, Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Stay Positive

10 Things To Do When Going Gets Harder. #MentalAwareness

Life is harder and at times harder times hit hard enough that it seems difficult to go on. Life is hard enough to deal with but due to the ongoing epidemics, life has become harder for a few people. People have faced adversities during these times and were unable to cope with them too.

10 reasons, Better India, COVID-19, Face Mask, Independence Day, India

10 Ways to Help India Heal #IndependenceDay

We all know that year 2020 has brought so many unexpected calamities to the world. Everyone is facing the unknown and fighting COVID-19. Our country is facing and fighting the disease to the best of its capacities.

10 reasons, India, thankful thursdays

10 Reasons Why i’m Thankful for being Indian #ThankfulThursdays

I love my India.
What’s not to Love in India??
Well, a lot… but still, Love for my country outweighs its faults anytime so I’m Thankful for fate because of which I’m an Indian.