5 things, Doctor, Friends, friendship, Self-Improvement, Uncategorized

5 Things I Learnt from My Teachers

Teachers are the best guides that we could ever have. They’re the influence that shapes our future. We all have been shaped by so many guides and mentors but we do not always understand the advice till we are old enough. There are so many things I wish I would have understood then but it’s late for that still, there are lots of things that I memorized and it has changed my perception in many ways.

Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Breakup, coping with loss, Depression, Friends, friendship, girl friends, Love, My Friend Alexa 2020, Relationship

What Not to Do After Break-up? #MyFriendAlexa 2020

Break-up signifies an ending relationship. It could be a long affair, short involvement, engagement, marriage, and a lot more. Any kind of commitment when broken would leave a person in a deeply troubled phase in life called "the Break-up"

Book, Friends, friendship, girl friends, Love, Review, soul sisters, Super Blogger Challenge 2019, Uncategorized, woman

Kiss Love & Matrimony

The story revolves around the friendship of Riki, Dodo, and Miri. The friendship is a very close one and they all are very connected, they pull each other from their ups and downs. The lead character of Riki is a strong character and her positive attitude is palpable in the book. She’s divorced but she’s still very positive in her attitude. Her search of true love on matrimonial sites and the adversities that are thrown her way would make you laugh and cry at the same time.

5 things, Friends, friendship, Maldives, My Friend Alexa, Rajasthan, Travel, Traveling Milestones, Travelling, Uncategorized, Uttarakhand

5 Things Places I’ve been Taught Me?

I’m 35 years old and in my life, I’ve lived in many places, traveled to many places too but 5 things that few places taught me certainly needs to be mentioned because that made an impact on me and made me my better self. I carry mementos of these places as memories and Lessons.

BFF, Friends, friendship, perfect photograph, posing, Selfie

My BFFs Selfie Story.

My BFFs selfie story… #selfie Everyone has BFFs with whom we share an irrevocable bond. So I've 3 BFFs and we've gone through the usual process of fights, love, bonding, anger at times misunderstandings to finally reach the final stage called BFFs. When I captured this moment on my selfie camera I'm happy and relieved… Continue reading My BFFs Selfie Story.