sinus disease
Allergic Rhinitis, Allergy, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, Living herself tips, tips, Uncategorized

Breathe Easy: Sinus Care Tips

Paranasal sinuses are the cavities filled with air surrounding the nose. There are 4 sinuses around our nose. They’re responsible for proper ventilation of the nose, keeping the nose moist, and providing cushioning effect at the time of facial injuries. When these sinus gets clogged then they themselves start causing problems.

10 reasons, Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Stay Positive

10 Things To Do When Going Gets Harder. #MentalAwareness

Life is harder and at times harder times hit hard enough that it seems difficult to go on. Life is hard enough to deal with but due to the ongoing epidemics, life has become harder for a few people. People have faced adversities during these times and were unable to cope with them too.

online shopping
India, Living herself tips, online shopping, precaution, profession, shopping, Social Cause, tips, Uncategorized

Small Business Evolutions in Covid Era #EcommerseInovation

The MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterprises) sector has always been a slow and steadily growing sector in India. They kept our country afloat by providing a small but constant flow of revenue in our country. Recently I’ve noticed a sharp rise in the segment. They were always there in the background but suddenly small businesses have become more visible.

Gardening, Indoor Garden, Living herself tips, tips, Uncategorized

Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Plants

When it comes to indoor plants I started my journey with Cactus and Succulents, I ended up killing half of the plants due to overwatering. Then I soon realized my mistake and planted the new ones. With my regained confidence I moved on to Peace lily, Boston fern, Spider plant and many more. I’m going to share my list of indoor plants that require less care and add tremendous beauty and positivity to your house.

Gardening, Living herself tips, Self-Improvement, Succulents, tips, Uncategorized

How Not to Kill Succulents?

Succulents look very fragile and dainty but they’re very resilient plants. We should take care of them accordingly and at times extra care and attention do lead to their demise. As an amateur gardener, these are the right kind of plants to start with.