Children are very frequently suffering from ear ailments. It’s very difficult to discern the disease since the child can’t explain the disease and excessive crying or pulling the ear is the only symptom that helps the parents reach the conclusion.
Category: Otolaryngology
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome #OSAS
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a condition in which a person experiences repetitive upper airway obstruction leading to sleep fragmentation, oxygen desaturation, and stimulation of the cardiovascular system.
Does Your Child Snore while Sleeping?
Snoring is the harsh noise produced due to obstruction in the breathing passage. The collapsible structures are most common places which vibrate like tongue, Soft palate, nasopharynx, uvula, etc. Snoring could be one of the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep apnea Syndrome (OSAS).
Do I have Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism
The thyroid gland works by regulating the metabolism of the body, when it produces fewer hormones then the body goes into a sluggish state. It’s 2-8 times more common in females in comparison to males.
How to Identify #COVID-19 from Seasonal Flu?
We all know that we’re dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic throughout the world. Everyone is doing their best to deal with the disease. Everyone in the nation is helping in fighting the disease the best they could. To stop the panic regarding cold and fever let's spread awareness about the diseases.