Doctor, Ear trouble, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, headache, health, Hearing Loss, Otolaryngology, Pain, Tinnitus, Uncategorized

Ear Diseases in Children

Children are very frequently suffering from ear ailments. It’s very difficult to discern the disease since the child can’t explain the disease and excessive crying or pulling the ear is the only symptom that helps the parents reach the conclusion.

#MyFriendAlexa, Ear trouble, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, Hearing Loss, My Friend Alexa 2019

Ear Discharge: Is It dangerous?

We all might have come across ear discharge and ignored it a lot of time. The discharge is not a visible problem so it’s often not considered dangerous. We take medicine and it subsides so we think that the problem is dealt with, but it’s not always like that.

Hearing loss
#MyFriendAlexa, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, Hearing Loss, My Friend Alexa 2019, Uncategorized

How to self-assess hearing loss?

Hearing loss or Deafness has a lot of stigmas associated with it, due to which we often ignore its subtle signs. More commonly it has been noticed that people don’t realize that they have a hearing loss since it’s silently increasing leaving the patient totally clueless about it.

Ear trouble, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, Flight, health, Living herself tips, Travel, Travelling, vacation

Airplane Ear

Many people complain that they have ear problems during fights. It's very normal to have ear problems during flight because of the pressure changes during flight. Generally, these changes don't cause a lasting trouble but in few cases who have persisting problems might land up with an ear trouble which is Airplane Ear.