Paranormal Romance Novel
#MyFriendAlexa, Book, My Friend Alexa 2019, Review, Uncategorized

Best Paranormal Romance Novels Ever

The paranormal Romance genre has always fascinated me. I can never leave a paranormal romance novel until I’ve finished it. I’ve read some really great novels but I’ve encountered a few dreadful novels too. Today i'm going to share my list of best paranormal romance novels.

#MyFriendAlexa, Book, My Friend Alexa 2019

Best Fantasy Romance Novels Ever

I’m a Die-Hard fan of romantic novels and few genres are my favorite. You’ll always find me hooked up to a few series even for revision. After my years of reading, I finally decided to share them. Let’s start with Fantasy Romance Novels.

Book, Friends, friendship, girl friends, Love, Review, soul sisters, Super Blogger Challenge 2019, Uncategorized, woman

Kiss Love & Matrimony

The story revolves around the friendship of Riki, Dodo, and Miri. The friendship is a very close one and they all are very connected, they pull each other from their ups and downs. The lead character of Riki is a strong character and her positive attitude is palpable in the book. She’s divorced but she’s still very positive in her attitude. Her search of true love on matrimonial sites and the adversities that are thrown her way would make you laugh and cry at the same time.