protect lungs
5 things, Air Pollution, Cause A Chatter, Fitness, health, health care, Lung Rehabilitation, tips, Uncategorized

Breathe Easy: 5 Lung Care Tips #CauseAChatter

Protecting our lungs should be our priority especially now when the pollution is at its peak and Covid-19 has affected the lungs of many people. The lung is an important organ of our body and just like other body parts it needs care. With aging it loses its flexibility & strength, it becomes lose.

Air purifier
Air Pollution, COVID-19, Product Review, Uncategorized

Breathe Healthy at Home: Air Purifier vs Ionizer:

Air Quality is one of the major concerns nowadays but is indoor air any safer than outdoor? It’s an important question to be pondered upon, especially when lockdown has been implemented and indoor air quality has become very important for everyone. During work from home, everyone is indoors so Let’s make indoors safe during the COVID pandemic 2022.