5 things, Cosmetics, lifestyle modification, Living herself tips, metro women, Super Blogger Challenge 2018, Uncategorized, woman

5 Beauty Product I’m Thankful for. #Superbloggerchallenge2018.

Beauty is something we all have but we don’t appreciate the fact well. Like every other beautiful thing, we have to love, cherish and most important enhance our beauty. It’s not really a difficult task if we decide to do it. I’m not blessed with the best facial structure so I’ve to do my best to enhance the most attractive feature in my face to overshadow the other shortcomings. That’s what is the whole moto of makeup. For me, few beauty products are a lifesaver and I’d love to share them with you all.

5 things, lifestyle modification, Living herself tips, metro women, Super Blogger Challenge 2018, Uncategorized

5 Things You can’t Live Without!!! #SuperBloggerChallenge2018.

When I thought of writing on 5 things I thought OMG!!!! How could I possibly fit my important things in just a list of 5? But when I mulled over the fact I decided few things even if lost I can manage, so I made my list corrected and re-corrected & then finally I came up with five things. I bet few would be on your top 5 too.