Avengers, Review, save planet

Avengers Infinity War: A Thought

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War was released this fall and was rated 4+ everywhere. It was most sought out the movie in a long time. After watching the movie I was forced to think about the plot of the movie. In this movie they’ve combined 6 movies to create a concluding sequel. It is definitely the usual plot to “Save the World” but the strange thing was both heroes and villain were trying to “Save the World”.

Face Mask, Healthy skin, Home Beauty Routine, Home Care, Product Review, Review, Uncategorized, woman

Heal the Skin with Face Masks

Heal The Skin with Face Masks. As we’re hitting 35, we could feel the apparent signs of aging on our skin. It’s as if our skin is giving us clear signs of distress and is asking for help. It’s better not to ignore the signs and provide extra aid ie face mask. Fine laugh lines… Continue reading Heal the Skin with Face Masks