Spider Plant
Gardening, Plant Care, Uncategorized

How to Keep Spider Plant Happy?

Spider plant is beautiful foliage of grass-like long leaves in shades of green to white. Its identifying feature is the plantlets or pups hanging by the stalk in the midst of leaves. It’s a very low maintenance indoor or outdoor plant.

Flower, Gardening, Indoor Garden, Indoor Plants, Plant Care, Uncategorized

“Touch-Me-Not” Care Guide

Touch me not or Mimosa Pudica is a green leafy fern-like plant often grown as an ornamental indoor plant. It has acquired its name due to the in-folding of leaves at the slightest touch of a hand. It is also known as Shy Plant or sensitive plant.

money plant
Gardening, Indoor Garden, Indoor Plants, Plant Care, Uncategorized

7 Tips for Money Plant Care

Money Plant or Pothos is one of the easiest, low maintenance plants to have in the house. It’s a vine and if you’re new to gardening you could always start with this plant. It’s a beautiful plant that could grow till 10-15 feet in height if provided proper care. Usually as an Indoor Plant it reaches 5-6 ft in height. Although this plant requires very little care it still needs the right conditions to flourish and stay healthy forever.

Flower, Gardening, Indoor Garden, Indoor Plants, Plant Care, Uncategorized

Dwarf Ixora’s Care Guide

Ixora is a shrub bearing beautiful clusters of flowers. They’re good plants that could bear heat well and are low maintenance so are very good plants for indoor and outdoor both. These plants grow up to 2 ft in height they’re great as hedges in the garden. They’re evergreen plants & great for warm climate.