I would just like to change the emotion of greed and replace it with Contentment. One positive emotion would resolve most of the problems we are facing in our world. #BlogchatterBlogHop
Category: trust
What Not to Do When you’re Committed? #MyFriendAlexa
Commitment is when you’re with someone it doesn’t come with a tag, you might be Boyfriend-girlfriend, live-in, engaged, married, or just dating. It’s a word that explains your devotion to the relationship you’re in. When you’re committed there are few things you should never do else your relationship might be in jeopardy.
SOUL SISTERS. Why should we have BFFs????
BFF is not your blood but they understand you better than your family at times. They don’t judge you, change you or mislead you. They’re just there for you. I want BFF just like air. If I call them at 2:00 AM in the night there reply would be “where should we come to bury the body?”.