Be Happy, Be Positive, Better India, Blog, BlogChatter, Blogging, save planet, Self-Improvement, Social Cause, Stay Positive, Stop Violence, trust

Changing 1 thing that would matter in the World #BlochatterBlogHop

I would just like to change the emotion of greed and replace it with Contentment. One positive emotion would resolve most of the problems we are facing in our world. #BlogchatterBlogHop

Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Better India, Blog, Blogging, buddies, Doctor, Uncategorized

Garnishing Life with Kindness #TheKindnessGene

Kindness is both inherited and acquired quality that makes us human. A little show of kindness goes long way. Life teaches us to be more practical and at times jaded too which slowly kills our kindness. Is it better to live life with Kindness or Smartness or Both?

#MyFriendAlexa, Blog, Blogging, my friend alexa 2021, Uncategorized

We Missed You #MyFriendAlexa 2021

Every year all the bloggers wait for the event “My Friend Alexa” it’s the time when your blog gets an amazing boost in your visitors and even in ranking. Although we all work very hard to achieve the ranks the instantaneous hike we get in the month of September is what keeps bringing us back to MFA.

Blog, Blogging, My Friend Alexa 2020, Uncategorized

Let’s Fly High with #MyFriendAlexa 2020

My Friend Alexa has always been an awaited event for me. It happens once in a year: September but this year it was delayed for a month because of the “Renovation” of Blogchatter-02. The site has received a facelift and it looks amazing now. Features of new sites are amazing too.

#MyFriendAlexa, Blog, Blogging, My Friend Alexa 2020

#MyFriendAlexa 2020: Register Now

The wait is finally over: My Friend Alexa (MFA) 2020 registrations are finally open. MFA is a much-awaited yearly even for all the bloggers. We all wait desperately for the challenge, especially Me. It happens every September for the past 4 years. This year like many unexpected things MFA has also moved a bit instead of September it’s in October since Blogchatter was busy launching a “Blogchatter 02”.