Disneyland Paris, Europe, Eurotrip, Paris, Travel, Traveling Milestones, Travelling, Uncategorized, vacation

Discover the Child Within #Disneyland Paris

Recently I got the opportunity to visit Paris on my Europe tour and I couldn't resist going to Disneyland Paris. No matter how old we are we could never pass on a chance to be the child again and believe me Visit Disneyland and rediscover your childhood.

Budapest, Europe, Eurotrip, Travel, Traveling Milestones, Travelling, vacation

Castle Vajdahunyad- Budapest: The Dracula Castle.

I was always intrigued towards the stories of Count Dracula so when I got a chance to visit Castle Vajdahunyad or also known as Dracula castle I was ecstatic. We visited the castle during my end of Europe tour the day I had my flight back to India. 

Ear trouble, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, Flight, health, Living herself tips, Travel, Travelling, vacation

Airplane Ear

Many people complain that they have ear problems during fights. It's very normal to have ear problems during flight because of the pressure changes during flight. Generally, these changes don't cause a lasting trouble but in few cases who have persisting problems might land up with an ear trouble which is Airplane Ear.

Home Care, Living herself tips, organization tips, Travel, Travelling, vacation, Weekend Trip

Home Care Tips Leaving for Vacations

It's the holiday season so people often plan for long holidays to visit relatives or to go on a trip. How should we prepare the house before leaving on such trips? I'll share few home care tips here so that the house you come back to is not chaotic.