Be Happy, Be Positive, COVID-19, Depression, disaster management, Doctor, health, health care, Lockdown, Lockdown 2020, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Uncategorized

Mental Health and #COVID-19 #CauseAChatter

We all know that we’re fighting an unknown Virus SARS CoV-2 which has caused a worldwide epidemic COVID-19. We’re discovering more about the virus but in the meanwhile, we all are taking precautions to protect ourselves. We all are under lockdown and we’re facing the Virus by Social distancing.

Be Positive, Cancer, coping with loss, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, headache, health, health care, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Social Cause, Uncategorized

Mental Health and Chronic illness #CauseAChatter

Illness of any kind is a stressful period for a person if the illness is a prolonged one then coping with it is more difficult. The rising trend in chronic illness has led to a rise in associated mental disorders too. Mental health disorders affect a person’s thinking, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning.

Depression, Doctor, health, health care, lifestyle modification, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox

Mental Health & Irritable Bowel Syndrome #CauseAChatter

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disease is a chronic condition affecting the larger intestines leading to variable symptoms like pain abdomen, cramps, loose mucoid stools to constipation, various deficiencies. It’s a disease of the modern era approximately 3-20% of the population is suffering from IBS and Stress is a major Trigger factor of IBS.

5 things, health, health care, lifestyle modification, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Self-Improvement, tips

5 Ways to Detoxify Mind

Mind is a chaos in midst of organized pockets. It’s so full of things that at times we need to declutter it. So let’s Detoxify our minds
Bin few things, trash few forever, put it in respective folder, save it for later… viola we’re done…

coping with loss, Depressed woman, Depression, health, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health

How to Cope with the Loss??

How to cope with the loss??? Loss of loved ones is devastating no one can quantify the feeling and emotions for the loss. It's difficult to cope with the loss. It could be siblings, spouse, children or parents but it'll always be painful and difficult. Different people react differently to loss. There's no certain fixed… Continue reading How to Cope with the Loss??