10 reasons, Be Happy, Be Positive, Cause A Chatter, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Mind Detox, Stay Positive

10 Things To Do When Going Gets Harder. #MentalAwareness

Life is harder and at times harder times hit hard enough that it seems difficult to go on. Life is hard enough to deal with but due to the ongoing epidemics, life has become harder for a few people. People have faced adversities during these times and were unable to cope with them too.

#MyFriendAlexa, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, Ear, Nose Throat, ENT, ENT Specialist, health, health care, my friend alexa 2021, Thyroid Disease

Thyroid Disorders and its Psychiatric Manifestations

Thyroid diseases have documented association with psychiatric illnesses. Hypothyroidism or subclinical hypothyroidism lowers the metabolic rate so it could cause a reduction in serotonin levels in turn leading to depression in many people. It could happen in many chronic medical conditions too.

Be Positive, Breakup, coping with loss, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Lockdown, Lockdown 2020, Love, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement, Social Cause, Uncategorized

Depression during #Lockdown #CauseAChatter

It’s very difficult to keep the positive vibes and be happy in these trying times. Often the feeling of sadness, uncertainty, or grief catches up with you. These things might lead to a phase of depression but that’s totally normal since we all face the ups and downs of life. When the depressive phase persists for more than 2 weeks and starts affecting how you feel, the way you think, or how you act. It leads to the negativity in your thoughts & loss of interest in things you once enjoyed. Depression could cause physical changes like reduced productivity at workplace or housework changes in sleeping or eating patterns etc.

coping with loss, Depressed woman, Depression, health, Living herself tips, Mental Awareness, Mental Health

How to Cope with the Loss??

How to cope with the loss??? Loss of loved ones is devastating no one can quantify the feeling and emotions for the loss. It's difficult to cope with the loss. It could be siblings, spouse, children or parents but it'll always be painful and difficult. Different people react differently to loss. There's no certain fixed… Continue reading How to Cope with the Loss??

ice cream
Be Positive, comfort food, Depressed woman, Depression, fight depression, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, metro women, Uncategorized, woman, working woman

Comfort Food? What is it?

What is comfort food?
Is it related to comfortable cooking?
Does It help mentally?
Is it healthy?
We’ve lots and lots of questions regarding comfort food. It’s still the ultimate solution to all problems at least for the time when we are consuming it.