Be Positive, Breakup, coping with loss, Depressed woman, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, health, health care, Lockdown, Lockdown 2020, Love, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement, Social Cause, Uncategorized

Depression during #Lockdown #CauseAChatter

It’s very difficult to keep the positive vibes and be happy in these trying times. Often the feeling of sadness, uncertainty, or grief catches up with you. These things might lead to a phase of depression but that’s totally normal since we all face the ups and downs of life. When the depressive phase persists for more than 2 weeks and starts affecting how you feel, the way you think, or how you act. It leads to the negativity in your thoughts & loss of interest in things you once enjoyed. Depression could cause physical changes like reduced productivity at workplace or housework changes in sleeping or eating patterns etc.

Be Happy, Be Positive, COVID-19, Depression, disaster management, Doctor, health, health care, Lockdown, Lockdown 2020, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Uncategorized

Mental Health and #COVID-19 #CauseAChatter

We all know that we’re fighting an unknown Virus SARS CoV-2 which has caused a worldwide epidemic COVID-19. We’re discovering more about the virus but in the meanwhile, we all are taking precautions to protect ourselves. We all are under lockdown and we’re facing the Virus by Social distancing.

Be Positive, Cancer, coping with loss, Depression, Doctor, fight depression, headache, health, health care, Mental Awareness, Mental Health, Social Cause, Uncategorized

Mental Health and Chronic illness #CauseAChatter

Illness of any kind is a stressful period for a person if the illness is a prolonged one then coping with it is more difficult. The rising trend in chronic illness has led to a rise in associated mental disorders too. Mental health disorders affect a person’s thinking, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning.

Be Happy, Be Positive, Fitness, lifestyle modification, Living herself tips, Self-Improvement, tips, Uncategorized

My Journey from Flabs to Abs-II

In this post, I’ll cover the first month of the gym where we’re enthusiastic, have great expectations from ourselves and even the gym. We all feel the entering the sanctuary of the gym would lead to weight loss even toning of body and hell lot of things which we dream of. Over the month of grueling in gym, I realized that it’s a very very difficult and time-consuming task. It needs devotion, dedication and will power.

Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Yourself, Depression, organization tips, Self-Improvement, Stay Positive, Uncategorized

How to Live Alone Happily?

To live alone could be the best or the worst thing that could happen to you in this world. On one hand, people crave to live alone but few just can’t wait to be with the company. It’s your personal perspective that dictates these choices. what matters most is that we are happy.